Hello there assalamualaikum.
Aku start jelah terus eh takyah mukadimah eh korang. So day 4 kalau follow itinerary asal, we were too ambitious I would say sebab aku tengok balik itinerary macam wow, kau rasa jalan dua minit pun semput macam kau ni boleh ke nak pergi all those places in a day? Nope. Lemme show you sneak peak of our original plan.
Maru Guesthouse > Nami Island > Gangnam > Hanok Village > Chonggyecheon Stream > Ewha University > Hangang Park > Itaewon > Maru Guesthouse
Gila kan? That's what happen bila kau tak berapa nak power Geografi lepas tu kau ingat Seoul tu sama luas dengan KL. You're in deep deep trouble. Okay anyway, endingnya we covered only Nami Island, Gangnam, Hangang Park and added on Namsan Tower since we skipped it on day 1 and still have our voucher from Klook unused so daripada membazir baik pergi tempat yang dah bayar upfront kan. And jangan risau, we did cover some of the places atas tu as mentioned dekat Day 1 punya post. So when plan A didn't work, always think fast for plan B, arasso?
First of all yang korang kena tau, nak ke Nami Island korang kena naik ITX from any station to Gapyeong. Experience with ITX ni funny story sikit lah, dia bukan macam subway biasa tau yang naik guna T-money tu tau, please please jangan buat hal malu kaum macam what we did last time eh. Masalah dia sekarang ni, ITX punya platform ni dia shared dengan subway biasa. So we thought nak naik ITX pun sekali jalan jelah kan konfiden lah tap kad ape semua beratur masuk train.
ITX ni seated train tau, tapi masa masuk train dah ada bad feeling tau kenapa seat dia macam have have eh. Tak macam the normal subway. Senang nak imagine macam kau nak naik KTM pegi KL Sentral from Kepong, tapi kau ternaik ETS. So we ended up tak duduk, we berdiri in between coaches. And dalam tu ada local Korean guys dalam lima nam orang. We're the only girls, and ehem Malaysian. Duduk lalala tengok pemandangan usha oppa, ada lah officer check ticket ni lalu. Dah gelabah ni sebab pelik kenapa orang yang duduk tu semua ada tiket ek. And somehow uncle check tiket tu skip kitorang semua yang berdiri ni, so macam pheww la kan maksudnya ohhh maybe kalau berdiri takpe kot takyah show ticket (what kind of hypothesis is this?). Konfiden je kan. Thanks to those local Korean guys also la we terlepas from kena check this round. We bet they don't have ticket as well kalau tak takkan berdiri situ kan. Tapi I dunno why masa tu after all those happened, we still didn't figure out something is definitely wrong. Maybe semangat sangat nak Winter Sonata kot kan. Anyway kejap lagi sambung pasal ITX.
Nak sampai Gapyeong tu makan sejam jugak la, boleh tahan longgar la lutut sis berdiri ya. From Gapyeong station, we took cab depan station tu, cakap je Namiseom dia mesti paham. Sebab mostly semua yang turun situ memang nak gi Nami Island and nak nak muka kau memamg tak Korean look langsung, takdenya tiberr kau ada kampung dekat situ, enggak sama sekali. So sampai situ dah excited giler cause we sampai tu super early, and among the first to go on the zipwire. Should I repeat? Yes, we zipline to Nami Island weehuu. I strongly suggest you invest a bit on this experience cause it's damn exciting. One of the best things I experienced in South Korea I would say. Me and Mira jerit like hell yeah let us scream our mother tongue out loud hahahahaha. Tapi Mira jerit kuat lagi fyi. I got the video. DM me if you wanna have a look. K she gonna kill me.
Tower belakang tu is where you gonna kickstart your zipline experience. |
Zipwire + entrance fee + ferry fee (from Nami Island to land) = 44000won ~ RM 160.60
Okay nak zipwire ni kalau korang nak record the experience, boleh bawak kamera tapi make sure ada tali yang attached to the hand. Even nak guna monopod pun kena yang bertali. Kalau tak diorang tak allow. And no worries, they're kind enough to lend you theirs. Best thing ever! Lend eh bukan rent tau, lend je.
It's damn exciting! Tak scary pun weh siyes siyes |
Sampai Nami Island macam biasalah korang akan start fefeeling Winter Sonata (I mean, classic kan?). Lagu lagu yang dia pasang pun lagu Winter Sonata or lagu lagu sendu yang kau tak faham lirik dia tapi tiber macam sentimental pulak nak menitiskan air mata di bumi Korea. Sounds overreacting, aite? Nami Island ni besar ya ampun, we didn't cover all the areas tapi penat dia macam habis marathon 10km. Memang ramai tourist kalau korang sampai lambat so please go in the morning especially if you opt to take ferry to Nami Island cause it will be super crowded.
Choi Ji woo kini berhijab! |
First encounter with snow walaupun dah keras still can't leave our jakun-ness behind |
Held a concert to dear Korean fans on this stage. You know Mas Idayu gelek gelek gais? |
This place is all abt drama airmata Winter Sonata |
Tried panorama dengan penuh kegigihan. Can you find me? |
Finally have proper picture of us after 20382384023th times trying to shoo people on the background |
She learned the art of third-wheeling |
Okay you guys can go hunt for halal food here |
Nah aku belanja menu sekali. Kedai ni dalam Nami Island so no worries korang takkan makan pasir di sana |
This is the kedai! Asian Family Restaurant Dongmoon |
I dunno what meal is this ermmmm sorry still fail nama makanan Korea |
This jjajangmyeong is so gewddddd I want more! Price: 10000won ~ RM36.50 |
Balik from Nami Island, lemme continue story on funny ITX experience. Konfidennya pergi tak beli proper ticket, balik pun tidak ye. And actually balik tu memang tak plan nak naik ITX, nak naik yang normal subway cause we were planning to go somewhere reachable with the other subway tapi again, tersalah naik train, naik lah ITX lagi sekali. Kali ni lebih konfiden, siap duduk ye sebab ada coach yang kosong so we just sit lah ape pulak ada seat kau nak berdiri kan. Tak sayang lutut ke? Then train officer pun ronda, she asked us for the ticket. It's a she this time. Weh aku blur Mira blur, macam ermmm ticket? What ticket? Again cam ohhh maybe dia nak tengok kad T-money kot but kelakarnya, for what? So we showed her that. She started to bebel macam no no, not this, you need to buy ticket, this is ITX not subway blablabla. Cemas beb. Dia dah nak report kat bos dia lah kot kan dia dah nak tekan walkie talkie tu. Pastu kitorang cam alamak we dunno la sis, we wanna take the other train to blablabla but ended up in this train, it's our first time blablabla segala rubbish pun keluarlah dari mulut. And guess what? She was so kind to let it slip and asked us turun next station and wait for the other train (the actual one). Pheww. Saranghae unni.
And it did not end there. Turun tu, the actual train that we should take already there but we tak naik sebab confuse (again). So we turun to the counter tried to masuk but we couldnt tap our card entah dah error lah kot asyik salah naik je haih. Lepastu sebab gate dia takde palang and ada auto door aku siap boleh try nk cross that thing, kau bayangkan gate tu tiba2 blocking my way. Segan siot orang pandang macam aku intruders ke ape. Wakakaka but we got lucky ada unni baik ni came to us tanya kalau dia boleh tolong. I told you, Korean ni kalau dorang pandai English, dorang yang akan approach kita kalau kita lost. So unni ni tolong explain our situation dekat officer subway yang ada kat situ. Dorang pun paham and suruh kitorang naik balik tunggu train kat atas. And again, terlepas lagi satu train sebab confuse. Sedih beb tengok itinerary.
With short time yang ada we went to Gangnam to see all the idols dolls along the street and Mira on her hunt for entertainment company's building (which some of them were either moved or under construction). Note for those interested to go to these places, make sure your reference are the latest one okay. Cause berjalan di Gangnam is like you walk on a city of Ultraman and raksasa. You will feel so tiny and going anywhere by foot is super jauh. But out of frustration we accidentally found a tunnel to Hangang Park which we actually planned to give up on. Macam miracle especially when your urinary bladder cannot tahan already and there's always public toilet at such park. Thank God.
Look at the idol bears. And their fan over there so seronok ketemuk these bears. I can't relate tho hahahahahaha |
From Hangang Park, we moved on to Namsan Seoul Tower. We went by bus tapi korang boleh opt for cable car (kalau tak under maintenance), or can hike up (if time is not an issue). So I tell you by the time kitorang sampai Namsan Seoul tower, it's already night time, and it's super cold ya rabbi, I regret not wearing my thickest jacket. As I told earlier nak masuk area Namsan Tower ni actually free je, I mean kalau setakat nak pergi surrounding areas including the love lock places, all are free. Yang kena bayar tu bila korang nak naik ke observatory macam naik Menara KL ituh tapi experience dia memang priceless sebab dalam lif ada video seolah-olah kau sedang travel to all the planets, leaving the Earth behind. Macam iklan Apollo layer cake tuh ingat tak?
And we also went in Hello Kitty Island sebab we bought the package yang included pass to Hello Kitty Island. Yang ni biashe biashe je lah kalau kau bukan die-hard-fan Hello Kitty. Lagipun masa ni energy tinggal saki baki je weh like I need my bed right now! Tapi memang kalau pergi malam kan ramai gila couple sweet sweet sampai tahap kau rasa kau tak layak ye berada di situ (sebab kau single hmm). Ada 'Proposal Stairs' jugak where I propose to my own self, to not go there again dengan membawa status single wakaka. Going there during the day will give you different experience, you can't see all the pretty lights and the pretty night sky subhanallah.
Namsan Seoul Tower. View from bus stop. Faham tak still kena hike up tu jauh lagi tu 😭😭 |
But I don't mind to spare some energy for this 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 |
If you sit on this bench with your partner from the opposite edge, you guys will end up sliding to each other to the center. I guess that's the purpose of this bench. |
Habis comel lah tu padahal tengah struggle looking for toilet urgh |
Tiba tiba sampai Eifell eh perempuan ini |
So pretty <3 |
You shine even in darkest night. Yes you, light bulb. |
Shameless gila suruh a couple take picture of us on proposal stairs 😅 Had electrostatic with the guy who took this picture. He was shocked tak berkelip pandang aku. Maybe dia ingat aku superhuman kot hahaha should have captured his expression weh |
And after 10000 poses and shots we finally came to our right mind to go back cause we need to pack for early morning train to BUSAN! Till next round, sekian toceh for now xoxo.
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